Ten smart and simple everyday energy-saving tips

Ten smart and simple everyday energy-saving tips

Saving electricity and energy doesn't have to be hard. Simple changes can make a big difference to your wallet and the environment. We have listed ten easy ways to save energy.  

1. Reduce your indoor temperature by one degree and put on an extra jumper

Did you know that lowering the indoor temperature by one degree reduces energy consumption by five percent? This is a no-brainer!

2. Seal windows and doors

A lot of heat is lost through windows and doors. If you live in a slightly older house, windows can account for as much as a quarter of the heat loss, so make sure that windows and doors are properly sealed. A new sealing strip doesn't cost much and can make a big difference.

3. Turn down the heat when you go away

Take 15 minutes before you go away to go around lowering the heat from your radiators or underfloor heating. After all, it's not necessary to keep your home warm and cosy when you're not there. And don't forget to switch off the towel dryer in the bathroom if you have one — it's a real energy hog.

4. Think about where you put your furniture

Do not place your sofa or any other large piece of furniture in front of your radiators, as this will prevent the heat from spreading throughout the room. Putting up curtains is good for retaining heat and preventing cold air from coming in, but they should also not be hung in front of the radiators.

5. Change to LED bulbs

LED bulbs use only a fraction of the electricity used by a standard incandescent or fluorescent light bulb. So switching to LEDs is good for both your wallet and the environment. Also, remember that you can reduce energy consumption by using a dimmer and switching off the lights when you leave a room.

6. Shower smarter

Taking faster showers reduces energy consumption, so try to make it a habit. After all, you don't really need to shower for more than five minutes, do you? A water-efficient shower head also saves hot water.

7. Use the eco programme on your dishwasher

Contrary to popular belief, washing dishes in a dishwasher uses less energy than washing them by hand. And it's even better if you choose the machine's eco programme. It takes a little longer, but it can be worth it.

8. Follow the correct laundry instructions — and hang out your clothes

The temperature indicated on a garment's washing label is the maximum temperature at which the garment can be washed — not a recommendation as many people might think. It takes a lot of energy to heat water, so choose as low a washing temperature as possible. Sometimes we may also wash garments that really just needed to be refreshed. How nice are clothes that have been hung out to air instead? 

9. Skip the standby mode on electrical appliances

One of the hidden power hogs in the home is the "standby mode" that has become increasingly common for various appliances. This intermediate mode, neither on nor off, consumes around 500 kWh in a typical household. Turn off your household electronics properly instead and save both money and energy.

10. Switch to a modern heat pump

A modern heat pump saves a lot of energy in your home. For example, you can reduce heating costs by up to 85 percent if you switch from direct electrical heating to a ground source heat pump. You need to take into account that you also need to install a water-based heating system if this is not available in the property.

Read more about heat pumps here >>

At CTC, we try to take energy into account in everything we do, and we work tirelessly to develop the most eco-efficient products possible. Read more about the way we think about the environment and quality.    


Published: 2022-12-08